The technological 20s arrive: 15 business trends that advance the future
At IEBS we work to anticipate the future and offer it to our students. That is why we have a working group in collaboration with the most important companies to advance the future and that our online masters are always updated. For this reason, we have developed this project to detect technological and business trends that anticipate the future.
Table of Contents
Trends that are going to change the world
Óscar Fuente, CEO, and founder of IEBS has summarized the trends that will change our way of seeing the world.
- Everything will go even faster
- Automation and Smart Robots
- Exponential growth
- Predict the Future or Create It
- IoT and 5G dating
1. Everything will go even faster
The speed of the changes forces us to be more liquid, adaptable. We must apply this to both companies and workers. We have heard many times that only the one who adapts to the change will survive and indeed 2020 will be a year of changes that will force us to consider where we are going as a company and as professionals.
2. Automation and Smart Robots
Why are we talking about this drastic change? Because automation has arrived and with it smart robots. Companies integrate increasingly sophisticated services and processes, causing a change in the labor market with professions never seen before.
In this way, work is neither created nor destroyed, it is only transformed, and with it, we as professionals must do it.
3. Exponential Growth
This year is the time for exponential growth. Organizations must transmit a purpose incorporating technologies that provide solutions to the great problems of humanity.
If technology is going to be decisive, you may be wondering what will happen to the human being. In the video of business trends, you will discover the importance of soft skills in new digital leaders.
4. Predict the Future or Create It
We can predict the future or just create it. Keeping up to date with the latest technological innovations and the necessary skills in all work activities, regardless of the sector, is essential for all those who want to be a leader and stand out in their field of action.
5. Ratification with IoT and 5G
5G will bring us a hyper-connected world and therefore Big Data will become Super Big Data. The data that we are going to manage will be enormous and will allow us to improve our lives and management to a level never dreamed of.
Of course, within the business trends, we must include marketing, key in any company or digital business. Whatsapp marketing, snack videos, or AI as a fundamental part of Inbound are just some of the forecasts and levers for the growth of 2020.
As you have seen, this has been a brief summary of the webinar, of course, you have in the video in full technological trends as important as 5g.
6. Hyperautomation
Before we talked about automation as a key trend. Gartner speaks directly of hyper-automation, referring not only to the use of tools but to the entire process involved in this use such as analysis, design, measurement, monitoring, and evaluation of results.
7. Multi experience
Society is adapting more and more to the digital world, being this sometimes much more real than reality itself. Taken into the business world, it is vital to understand how the user perceives the digital world and how they interact with it.
Users will demand more and more experience. The combination of virtual reality with augmented reality and mixed reality will lead to a multisensory and multimodal experience.
8. The democratization of ‘expertise’
The knowledge that companies generate with the development of their own tools or work models is increasingly shared. By 2023, Gartner expects four key aspects of this trend toward democratization to accelerate:
- Democratization of data and analysis
- Democratization of development
- Democratization of design
- Democratization of knowledge
9. Human augmentation
If something is confirmed this 2020 is that the improvement of the human being thanks to technology has no limits. The cognitive and physical improvements thanks to technology will be the day-to-day of the future that awaits us.
10. Transparency and traceability
This trend refers to the concern for personal data and digital privacy that users demand in business ethics. There is a crisis of confidence towards companies never seen before, to improve it they will focus on three points:
- Ethical use of Artificial Intelligence
- Privacy of personal data gives ownership and control to the user
- Design of ethically aligned attitudes, actions, technologies, and practices.