How to get a good first impression on your website and increase conversions

How to get a good first impression on your website and increase conversions

In the last article, I told you about how to design an effective home page for your business website. One of the important points of that article was the first impression of your website’s home page.

The first impression is the first thing the user sees and feels when visiting your website.

It should be borne in mind that not only does the distribution, colors, content, typography, that is, the visual influence, but also the sensations that this first screenshot generates.

The first impression is a mix between what your website denotes and connotes.

This first screenshot is also called Above the Fold and is decisive to see if the user stays or leaves.

Previously I have told you that it takes a person around 50 milliseconds (this is 0.05 seconds) to create a first opinion about the site and define if it stays or goes.

This means that the user makes quick judgments based solely on design.

Another study from the Missouri University of Science and Technology indicates that 94% of the things that influence a user’s first impression are related to design.

This 94% are The logo, the image, the main bar, the visual identity, the structure, the symmetry, the balance, the space, and the look and feel of your brand.

If you still have doubts I share an example of a web redesign that I have done. Here you can see the before and after, and the importance of the first impression:

The first impression: Design matters

If the name you in some medium, in another blog, if you make a guest posting or a friend recommends your business to another, the first thing they will do is go to your website.

This is the cover letter of your internet business and it may be the only chance you have to attract the visitor.

If the first impression of your website feels like an old site and doesn’t suit mobile phones, people will judge your business that way, too.

Google in its study of first impressions, in addition to corroborating that people take less than a second to create the first impressions, highlights that Internet users love simple designs and more when it is familiar.

People have in their minds how a place should be. If you stray too far from those patterns it is a risk for your business and you may be losing potential clients.

Surely you have heard the famous and hackneyed phrase: Less is More. While it is one of my favorite slogans for design and life, in general, it has a catch since making something look simple is not easy.

What is important is that you try to keep the design of the first impression simple and not overload it with everything you have.

People only notice when something is poorly designed, either because it is not functional or does not look pleasant to their eyes.

That is why design, good design plays a very important role in the first impressions of your website.

The trust and credibility that people have of your business will depend on whether your service/product is good or bad, the shopping experience they have, and much of it will be the first impression they have upon reaching your website.

A Standford study showed that 75% of customers create judgments on the credibility of companies based on the design of their site.

Having a web design with a striking first impression will make your potential customers want to know more about your business, they will create excellent judgments and the bounce rate of your website will be reduced considerably.

The better your website design, the better the first impression. Therefore users will stay longer on your website.

The 5 fundamental elements for a good first impression

There are 5 mistakes you should avoid on the home page of your website.

To improve the first impression of your website, capture the attention of your potential client, and increase conversions, the first screenshot from the top or above the fold should have:

  1. Logo
  2. Navigation menu
  3. Image
  4. Message
  5. Call to Action or Call to Action

1. Logo

A professional, simple and memorable logo will make a very good first impression. The logo is a synthesis of your business, therefore it is not necessary to put everything you find.

The simpler the logo of your business, the more memorable it will be for visitors.

Although a professional logo will make people have a good impression in the first seconds, according to a study the user needs between 5 and 7 impressions to be recognized by it.

To try to reduce this time, a simple logo that is easily remembered will work much better than a complex one.

If you want to see how to improve your business logo, in this article I will tell you how to design a good logo for your business? Tips and advice for your visual identity.

Another point to keep in mind is that it is not necessary to put the logo of your business very large. I have seen websites where the logo occupies more than 1/3 of the screen and then it is repeated in the main title.

This is a big mistake since you are wasting the first contact with your potential client.

Something to keep in mind is that if you put your big logo the first impression will say that your business is grotezco, rough and informal. On the other hand, if the logo is small, it will convey elegance and professionalism.

2. Navigation menu

People are used to having the main menu at the top and the buttons or labels being easy to understand and the message being clear.

With clear messages I mean that the user is used to simple labels: About me, services, contact, etc.

Visitors will not understand if you put creative or different labels. Again the concept of Less is More comes back. What I advise you is to keep it simple and do not want to invent something that can harm your business.

Keep the button labels as short and concise as possible.

The main menu is clear when I know where that button is going to take me. It is not clear when I do not know. So if people don’t understand where the button is going to take them, they won’t click.

I give you some examples:

Example of a clear navigation bar: About me – Services – Blog – Courses – Free resources – Portfolio – Contact – book a session –

Example of an unclear navigation bar: Who am I? – Get to know me better. Read my blog – How can I help you – Write to me – Buy my books

On the other hand, it is not recommended to put more than 8 labels on the main menu since it will be very overloaded and unattractive. Keep it simple.

3. Image

” A picture is worth a thousand words,” says the famous Chinese proverb.

Although the content is very important to be able to connect with your potential clients, the face of your face or yours is very positive.

Showing an image of yourself is going to be worth even more than a stock image, or of businessmen working, since you will be communicating to the user that you are human, real, flesh and blood, as well as friendly.

This helps them to get to know you better and will increase the visitor’s trust and credibility.

Market research shows that an image of you will greatly increase conversions on your website.

If you do not know what a good image looks like for your website or you want to make a photo session for the redesign, I recommend an article that I wrote in which I share 7 tips for the photo session of your website.

4. Message

The first impression of your website should quickly answer the following questions:

Who you are?
What do you do?
Why should the visitor care? What benefit does it bring?
It is very important that the message is clear and shows the user a reason why they should pay attention to what you do or offer and the benefit it will bring.

A good idea is to bring a copy or message from your website to a real conversation. This way you can check if your message is clear or not.

An example:

A: Hi Beto, nice to meet you. What is your job?

B: I have a business where I offer integral 360º solutions so that our clients can maximize their sales.

5. Call to Action or Call to action

The call to action at the top of the site is key to turning more visits into customers, although many sites choose not to.

70% of small business websites do not have a call to action on their home page.

If you still do not have a call to action at the top or on your home page I recommend that you put it and with a clear message.

In other words, the call to action must indicate to the user what will happen if they click there.

I give you an example:

If I am locked in my house, the first thing I am going to do is to google a locksmith’s website. Once inside, (from the site not from my house because I already am) what I am going to want to do is contact him quickly so he can help me.

Your website should have a button at the top with a clear message so that I can request your service. In this way, I would be facilitating my search and I will have a positive user experience.

Try to make the call to action message be in context with the title and avoid putting vague words like Info, See more, etc.

Pavan Kumar

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